International Affairs Committee


ePartner in Physics (ePIP) is a program that provides AAPM affiliation to medical physicists in developing countries. The program consists of individual relationships between a physics partner in a developing country and a sponsoring partner in the United States. There is no cost to the partner in the developing country.

Since 2005 a new category of affiliation with AAPM called International Affiliate was established and ePIP has been included in this category.  Medical Physicists in developing countries may apply by contacting the AAPM Headquarters.  To apply online, please click here and make sure to indicate you need financial assistance.  For more information about the program please click here. The number of International Affiliates under the partnership program is limited by the availability of sponsoring partners. The commitment is usually for at least three years, renewed annually. The applicant may choose to pay for the dues and become a self paying International Affiliate.

Benefits of a Partner

The ePIP will have access through the internet the Medical Physics Journal, the Physics Today, and the AAPM Directory.  The ePIP is an AAPM International Affiliate and therefore can logon to the AAPM website and have access to all information on the web available to full members, including all the Task Group Reports and other publications.

Other Membership Categories

Other membership categories are Corresponding Members, Junior Members, and Student Members. A Corresponding Member residing in a developing country is also eligible to be ePIP. To apply online, please click here and make sure to indicate you need financial assistance. 

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Last update: July 2, 2007

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