4A01b-LINAC MLC Acceptance and QA for IMRT
Ching-Chong Jack Yang, PhD
Radiation Oncology Dept.
Monmouth Medical Center
300 2nd Ave
Long Branch, NJ 07740
Modern LINAC has many features which can automate and improve the radiation treatment delivery efficiency. Multi-Leaf Collimator (MLC) is one of the items which improves the delivery efficiency dramatically. MLC was implemented in early 90’s to replace the customized blocks, automatically shaping treatment portals and sequencing delivery can reduce the overhead of staff time and increase patient daily treatment numbers. When MLC based IMRT was introduced in mid 90’s, the MLC punctualities were extensively tested and the QA procedures were implemented to maintain the delivery efficiency. Using MLC for IMRT delivery, it went through lots of wear and tear of the machine mechanical and electronic components, QA procedures for MLC becomes very important for LINAC. Routine and annual QA as well as acceptance tests will be introduced in this lecture, preset accepting criteria are also addressed in details. Based on the different delivery methods (dMLC, sMLC and IMAT), the requirements for MLC are different. We will introduce the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual QA process for MLC performance evaluation, which are the key success for IMRT treatment delivery.
Ching-Chong Jack Yang, PhD
Radiation Oncology Dept.
Monmouth Medical Center
300 2nd Ave
Long Branch, NJ 07740
现代加速器拥有很多能够自动化和改善放射治疗实施效率的功能。多叶准直器(MLC)是显著改善实施效率的众多项目中的一个。MLC在90年代最初被用于代替个体铅挡块,自动生成治疗野形状和实施照射能够减少工作人员的摆位时间和增加每天治疗的病人数量。当90年代中期用MLC作调强的技术开展后, MLC的到位精度被广泛的测试,而且质量保证程序被用来维持实施照射的效率。使用MLC作调强,机器的机械和电子部分会经历很多的磨损,加速器MLC的质量保证程序变得非常重要。本文将介绍MLC的验收测试和日常质量保证、年质量保证,还要详细讲解预置的验收标准。根据MLC的不同调强方式(dMLC, sMLC and IMAT),MLC的需求也不一样。我们将介绍每天、每周、每月和每年的MLC性能评估的质量保证程序,这是成功实施调强治疗的关键。