1H05-Radiation Therapy Planning: Uncertainties and Biological Parameters
Jacob Van Dyk, MSc
Clinical Physics
London Regional Cancer Centre
790 Commissioners Rd E
London, ON N6A 4L6
During the last decade there has been a revolution in the technological developments for radiation treatment such that a higher dose can be delivered tightly in the tumour volume while sparing critical normal tissues. The process of radiation treatment is complex and involves multiple steps. Each step of the process of radiation treatment involves uncertainties which may compromise the potential advantages of the new, complex and expensive technologies. Therefore, it is important not only to have a quantitative understanding of the uncertainties associated with the multiple steps in the radiation treatment process but also to incorporate these uncertainties into the treatment plan optimization process. Biological modeling is becoming more common as part of the automated optimization process. This lecture will summarize issues related to quantitating uncertainties in radiation treatments and the use of radiobiological modeling for treatment planning.
Jacob Van Dyk, MSc
Clinical Physics
London Regional Cancer Centre
790 Commissioners Rd E
London, ON N6A 4L6